SSiP Accreditation

From £195
Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSiP) is an umbrella organisation that was set up to streamline prequalification and encourage straightforward mutual recognition between its Member Schemes (ie CHAS, Safe Contractor, Achilles, SMAS, Constructionline). SSiP assessments are all judged on core criteria approved by HSE. These core criteria describe what it means for a construction business to comply with basic health and safety law.
The core criteria that all SSiP members will review includes a desk-top review of:
- Health and safety policy and organisation
- Arrangements for health and safety
- Source of competent health and safety advice
- Training and information
- Individual qualifications and experience
- Monitoring, audit and review procedures
- Accident reporting and investigation
- Enforcement history
- Subcontracting procedures and controls
- Risk assessments and safe systems of work
- Co-operating with others and co-ordinating work with other contractors
- Welfare provision
There are also additional requirements for organisations that act as a Principal Contractor as defined by CDM 2015.
The assessment will take into account the size of the organisation and expect procedures and controls that are suitable for the size and type of company.
How much will it cost for me to achieve an SSiP accreditation?
This depends on what scheme you decide on and the size of your organisation. If you use Compass to assist you with achieving accreditation there will be the fee for Compass as well as the fee to the SSiP member which is payable directly to them.
Can we achieve SSiP accreditation without using a consultant?
Yes, you can by contacting the member scheme directly and completing the questionnaires. The benefit of using a consultant is that we are familiar with the core criteria and will be able to advise you on what evidence to supply. We will also assist in the completion of the questionnaire and uploading of evidence provided.
What does ‘Deem to Satisfy’ mean?
The term ‘Deem to Satisfy’ is used by SSiP to recognise accreditation with another SSiP member. If you are registered compliant with one SSiP member, then you can use this accreditation to gain membership with other SSIP member schemes without having to undergo duplicate applications.
What if I do not pass the assessment?
We will advise you of any gaps in your system prior to the assessment. The SSiP Member may ask for additional information to support your assessment.
Will you provide me with everything we need to pass?
No, we can help you with the assessment process but we will need you to provide the evidence, ie tool box talks, equipment checks etc.