Equal Opportunities Policy
Compass is committed to equality of opportunity, the pursuit of diversity amongst its employees and student population and a supportive environment for all members of our community. This policy sets out the commitment of Compass to promote equality of opportunity and work to eliminate any unlawful or unfair discrimination and harassment in the workplace or at study. It expects that all employees and learners alike will contribute to and actively support Compass
in working towards the elimination of discrimination and harassment and the promotion of equality of opportunity in terms of access to services, employment opportunities and support for welfare and education.
We are committed to providing equality for all irrespective of:
Ethnicity (including race, colour and nationality).
Gender reassignment.
Religion or belief.
Sexual orientation.
Marriage and civil partnership.
Pregnancy and maternity.
Under the Equality Act (2010) these are known as ‘protected characteristics’.
We will:
Value diversity and promote equality of opportunity for all.
Promote, respect and encourage good relations within and between groups.
Aim to meet the different needs of different groups, as appropriate, whilst promoting shared values.
Promote an inclusive and harmonious place of work and study where there is mutual respect and where harassment and bullying, intimidation or violence is not tolerated.
Prevent unlawful discrimination and victimisation.
Comply with our legal obligations.
Take seriously and address any breaches of this policy.
Each manager is accountable for delivering the equality commitment in their area or responsibility.
All employees and learners, those carrying out work or delivering services on behalf of Compass and any partners, are required to comply with this policy. Everyone is required to promote a culture free from illegal discrimination and all forms of harassments and bullying. In addition, failure to adhere to these responsibilities under the law may lead to civil actions or criminal proceedings. Any incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying will be investigated and may
be grounds for expulsion of a student and for employees may constitute gross misconduct and could lead to dismissal without notice.
Implementation of the policy
All managers will ensure that:
Employees and students are aware of the equality and diversity policies and the procedures for making a complaint.
The implementation of all equality policies and schemes is monitored and progress reported.
Equality is taken into consideration, where appropriate, in policies, strategies and procedures to ensure that they promote equality and do not unlawfully discriminate.
Employees, students and any union representatives are provided with appropriate forums to discuss equality and diversity issues and raise any concerns.
Procedures are in place for the fair appointment, promotion and development of employees, and the fair selection, teaching and assessment of students, free from unjustifiable discrimination.
Managers and employees are provided with appropriate equality training and development.
Compliance with the equality policies is part of the job descriptions of all employees and the contract for services of any subcontracted service provider.
Actionsto implement the equality policies and any single equality scheme will be reviewed as part of the performance review process.
Everyone is expected to support and implement the equality and diversity policies and ensure that their behaviour and/or actions do not amount to discrimination or harassment in any way.
Complaints of discrimination
If a student, an employee or visitor believes that they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation Compass will take the matter very seriously. All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the agreed procedures. Anyone who makes a complaint of discrimination will not be victimised and we will make every effort to ensure victimisation does not occur and that any complaints are dealt with promptly.
Students can raise the matter through their Course Leader in the first instance. Students can also raise the matter with the Training Coordinator and Centre Manager.
The student experience
Admissions – all appropriately qualified applicants will be given equal consideration during the selection process and will not be discriminated
against on any grounds. We welcome and support people with disabilities, including specific learning disabilities and will make reasonable
adjustments and endeavour to meet specific requirements.
Selection – entry qualification for courses will only include those that are necessary and justifiable. All selection processes will be thorough,
carried out objectively, and will only address the applicant’s suitability of the course requirements. Employees involved in the selection
process will be adequately trained to achieve this.
Curricula – it is the responsibility of the Course Leaders, and all other employees who set and teach curricula and syllabi, to promote equality and to avoid bias and discrimination in these areas. All employees are encouraged to capitalise on opportunities to promote equality, where appropriate through the curricula.
Learning materials – should be non-discriminatory. If discriminatory material is used to make a point, the discriminatory nature should be pointed out by the employee using the material.
Advice and Support – counselling and advice for students relating to discrimination, harassment and bullying is available from the Compass Occupational Health team and Safeguarding Officer.
Physical Environment – Compass recognises it has an anticipatory duty to ensure accessibility across the training centre and to ensure that this is effectively monitored.
The employee experience
Recruitment – all appropriately qualified applicants will be given equal consideration during the recruitment process and will not be discriminated against on any grounds.
Selection and Promotion – selection criteria for all posts will be clearly defined and reflected in the Job Description. Short listing and interviewing processes will be thorough, carried out objectively and without illegal discrimination. All employees involved in these processes will be appropriately trained in recruitment and selection and be aware of relevant employment legislation. Interview panels will aim to include both genders other than in exceptional circumstance, which must. Compass welcomes applications from suitably qualified disabled people and will make reasonable adjustments to the selection process and to the workplace and working arrangements to accommodate successful disabled candidates.
Working Conditions – Compass will listen to individual needs and will have discussions with employees to assist with any requests such as religious observance and caring for dependants in line with current policies, procedures and the relevant legislation.
Advice and Support – is available from Directors. This includes specific advice for employees in connection with the learning, teaching and support of disabled students.
Advertising and information
Compass publications and advertisements for employees and student recruitment will state Compass’s commitment to Equality and Diversity. Language and images used in all publications, written and electronic material will not be discriminatory. Course informationwill show clear entry requirements and outline facilities
available to students.
Information regarding job vacancies will be circulated internally and all posts will be advertised externally, unless there are justifiable reasons to do otherwise.