Drugs and Alcohol Screening

from £55
To help you to ensure and promote a healthy workforce, Compass provides a comprehensive program for employment related substance abuse testing in line with your Company’s Substance Abuse Policy. All samples sent for ‘chain of custody’ analysis are tested and reported on by a fully accredited UKAS laboratory.
We provide the following screening:
Pre-Placement: A test employers choose to do on hiring an employee to ensure they are not using drugs or alcohol
Random: Unscheduled, unannounced drug and/or alcohol testing of randomly selected employees done in a non-discriminatory manner
Evidential Breath alcohol testing using certified and calibrated breathalyser
Post-accident: A test conducted on employees who have been involved in a work-related accident (vehicular or otherwise) to determine whether drug or alcohol use was a factor
Reasonable suspicion: Tests are conducted when a trained supervisor or company official observes behaviour or appearance that is characteristic of drug or alcohol misuse
Return-to-duty: Testing performed when an employee has contravened the company’s drug and alcohol conduct standards and is due to return to their role
Urine testing
We would suggest on site instant testing as a starting point for your testing process – unless your policy indicates we are to collect Chain of Custody samples for direct analysis by our laboratory – the instant tests are extremely sensitive and any non-negative results should then be analysed by our laboratory partner for an evidential test, see below
A laboratory test using Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) is the most precise test for identifying and quantifying drugs or their metabolites in the urine. Used as a confirmation (or Evidential) test following a positive (non-negative) result on an instant test panel for the presence of drugs or their metabolites in the urine this gives a defensible result and would then be reviewed by our MRO.
The Medical Review Officer
Medical Review Officers, also known as an MRO, are extremely important throughout the employee drug screening process. The MRO is an Occupational Health professional who coordinates the testing process between the laboratory and employer step-by-step, ensuring that the data and results gathered through the drug screen are thoroughly examined and addressed. The MRO understands the process of testing and the benefits and pitfalls of different biological samples and will be able to assist with your policy decisions and formation. New drugs are emerging and these may also impact on the workplace, it is important to understand how these risks can be mitigated and this is where the input of a qualified MRO is so important
How long will the drugs and alcohol test take?
The test will take about 15 minutes per person.
What should the individual being tested bring with them?
They will need to show the Collection Officer photographic identification to confirm their identity and they will need to bring a list of current and recent medication – prescribed or over the counter.
How long will the results take?
The urine Point of Care test results are instant. If the sample needs to go to the laboratory for further testing this may take up to 7 days.
What happens if the result in not negative?
In the case of a non-negative urine test for drugs, full chain of custody procedures are followed and the sample is sent to the laboratory for more sensitive tests. IF the individual is taking any prescribed medication this is noted down by the Collection Officer and where necessary it is reviewed by a Medical Review Officer (MRO) to ensure that the results are consistent with the declared medication.
What limit is used for the alcohol breath test?
This limit is determined by the Company and should be included within their Drugs and Alcohol Policy.
What drugs are tested for?
The test covers up to ten most common drugs although additional can be tested if required.
What happens during the drugs test?
The Collections Officer will prepare the area. Sealing up outlets and the toilet cistern to ensure that the sample cannot be diluted, signs will be displayed instructing the individual not to flush the toilet afterwards. Special tablets are used to dye the water so any attempts at dilution can be easily identified. The Collections Officer will ask the individual if they are taking any medication and for their identification and then ask them to remove their coats / jackets and empty their pockets. The Collections Officer will show the individual to the assigned toilet. The Collections Officer will wait outside the cubicle while the individual produces the sample. The sample will then be passed to the Collections Officer who will check the colour and temperature of the sample. The sample will be tested for the specific substances. The results are available instantly.