5 Ways to Tell Your Team is Stressed



Lets talk tell-tale signs, why it matters, and what you can do.



At Compass, we believe that employee mental health and wellbeing needs to be part of any successful business’ health and safety plan. Firstly because it is morally right to care about the wellbeing of others. Secondly, because how can you expect your business to thrive if the people at the heart of it aren’t?


Lets look at some ways we can spot signs of stress in the workplace.


  1. High turnover of staff
  2. Increase in conflicts within teams
  3. Decreased work performance
  4. More accidents and careless mistakes taking place
  5. Becoming withdrawn, or the opposite – having more emotional reactions (tearful outburst, aggression, increased sensitivity)


By taking a positive approach to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, organisations will benefit from:


  1. More engaged and motivated staff
  2. A reduction in absence and the associated costs
  3. Increased productivity and staff retention
  4. Improved professional reputation
  5. More satisfied customers


If you recognise signs of stress amongst your team, what are some things you can do as a manager to address this? Firstly, you should take action immediately. Talk to the individuals, talk to the team, talk to anyone who is struggling. Just by listening, you may be able to help take away some of the stress the employee is feeling and get to the root of the problem. In other cases, the employee may benefit from counselling sessions.


If you are interested in learning more about having a positive influence on wellbeing in your workplace, take a look at our range of wellbeing courses.